Whitemarsh Foundation News & Videos

Red Winged Blackbird

Red Winged Blackbird

May - August birding photos & Videos

Enjoy the many species observed during the summer of 2020 by our resident birder Ruth Pfeffer.

Checking Tree Boxes

Checking Tree Boxes

End of Season tree nest boxes

Bill Lutz and Ruth Pfeffer checking the nest boxes. 


Mid July Report:

“The 4 tree swallows in Box 1A have fledged which leaves just Box 8 with 6 fully feathered tree swallows. They will be gone in a week. There were several birders in the Preserve checking out the pair of nesting Blue Grosbeaks and reports of Willow Flycatchers that had been seen. The meadow is full of yellow cone flowers and queen anne’s lace and the monarchs are busy laying eggs in the milkweed.”